Banking & Finance

Banking Policies & Procedures

Paragon was engaged by more than one Lebanese bank to undertake an extensive and detailed documentation of policies and procedures per banking department, with the aim of reflecting the requirements of regulatory bodies and streamlining directives into the thinking process as well as practical implementation modus operandi. 

Expansion Studies

From location expansion to the introduction of new service dimensions, inclusive of such complex hybrids as Islamic banking, Paragon's portfolio contains the market viability and financial feasibility studies for many Lebanese banks seeking Central Banking approval for their expansion plans.  

Strategic Planning

Paragon was engaged to undertake an extensive study of two Beta Group banks in Lebanon, their internal operating environment, market position, product variety and internal operations with the aim of strategic business planning. Extensive market surveys and high-level financial modeling were undertaken in support of such strategies. 

Organization Design for Major Banks

For a number of leading banks in Kuwait & Lebanon, Paragon was mandated to undertake organization design studies ranging from salary benchmarking to job descriptions, devising grading scales using a Point/Factor evaluation system, later developed into an application by Paragon, eventually leading to salary scales and performance appraisal systems. Work conducted in Kuwait covered organization design for the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, Ahli Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait Real Estate Bank, Kuwait Finance House, and finally the Central Bank of Kuwait, all as directly mandated to Paragon by the Kuwaiti company Gulf National Consultants.